В основі логотипу образ веселих дітлахів, котрі старанно печуть пряники у власній сімейній майстерні. Вони охоче ласують та граються власноруч зробленими пряниками. Вони мрійники, тому щоразу вигадують щось зовсім новеньке.
Rebranding for Yurashky Lviv Gingerbread Workshop
Lviv Gingerbread WorkshopYear
Yurashky Lviv Gingerbread Workshop is an authentic craft house of honey and ginger spice-cakes. Magical atmosphere of warm cosiness, original Lviv recipes, and an emphasis on the uniqueness of every gingerbread cookie created here represent the essence of Yurashky brand.
In the process of Lviv Gingerbread Workshop rebranding, our team worked on this project with the childish excitement and created a characteristic style for a large array of company attributes. We engaged fashion designers to develop the corporate clothing for the workshop employees and the participants of masterclasses. Also, we worked on the souvenirs design and the style of ads and packaging. As a result, the brand got a new bright image, and their customers got real unforgettable emotions.